Deirdre Sugiuchi recently finished her captivity narrative Unreformed, which is about how, despite being imprisoned in a white evangelical reform school in the Dominican Republic as an adolescent, she survived and thrived. She’s also exploring the history of white supremacist violence in a project called Two Mississippi. Her essays and excerpts have been featured in Action, Spectacle, Literary Hub, Midwest Review, Salon, the anthology Empty the Pews: Stories of Leaving  the Church, and other places. The Albee Foundation, the Hambidge Center, the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, and Wildacres have all supported her work. She’s received the Key West Writers Seminar Teacher and Librarian Award, the Mark Austin Segura Award for Nonfiction, and a 2023 Deming Award for feminist nonfiction. She also recently was a finalist in the 2025 International Voices in Creative Nonfiction Competition. Sugiuchi is an assistant editor at The Rumpus, a contributing writer at Electric Literature, a co-founder of Athens, Georgia’s New Town Revue music and literature series, and until recently served as a public school librarian. Find her on Instagram and Substack.