A few weeks ago Cracked editors Jack O’Brian and Robert Evans interviewed one of my all time heroes, Maia Szalavitz. Szalavitz wrote Help at Any Cost: How the Troubled Teen Industry Cons Parents and Hurts Kids, the most comprehensive exploration of the teen treatment industry out there. They also interviewed Sarah Cummins, a former student of a Utah facility, who tells of hours of forced labor, of being forced to manipulate her fellow students, and how she was preyed on by creepy sex offenders. Sounds familiar!
Other Cracked content of interest: 5 Realities of the Rehab Camp My Parents Paid to Kidnap Me and
6 Shocking Realities of the Secret “Troubled Teen Industry.”
Also, over at NUVO, Theresa Rosado is continuing her investigation into our alma mater, New Horizons Youth Ministries, with a profile on “The Mysterious Dr. Z,” a probable child molester who funneled countless kids into “the ministry.”